
first eleven

Choose your preferred starting 11 from your team's current squad. Ignore discipline and injury status for now, these are the players you would pick when everyone is fit and available.

You'll have an opportunity to review your selections and make any last minute changes after you've registered.

How it works

Combining your opinions and decisions with real match data from Opta Sports, match results are predicted based on what you do.

You receive a managerial rating based on the outcome of decisions you make and things you did differently to , for example.

Team Crest



  • Missing Squad

    Apologies, this squad is currently unavailable.

    You can earn a hefty 500 Fair Play Points by adding 's missing players. To earn the bonus you must add 11 players who will be verified before points are awarded.

    Complete the sign-up process and once you have verified your email address you will be able to add your squad.

    Alternatively, go back to the previous page and choose a different team.

Your Information

Password help
Coupon help
Choose 11 players to complete your registration
take the hotseat


Screen Size

Sorry, screen sizes less than 280 pixels wide are not supported. You can download the game for different platforms.. If you can't do any of those things you can play on the text only version or subscribe and play by email